While practices and even core doctrine vary, most emergents can be recognized by the following values:
- missional living - Christians go out into the world to serve God rather than isolate themselves within communities of like-minded individuals.
- narrative theology - Teaching focuses on narrative presentations of faith and the Bible rather than systematic theology or biblical reductionism.
- Christ-likeness - While not neglecting the study of scripture or the love of the church, Christians focus their lives on the worship and emulation of the person of Jesus Christ.
- authenticity - People in the postmodern culture seek real and authentic experiences in preference over scripted or superficial experiences. Emerging churches strive to be relevant to today's culture and daily life, whether it be through worship or service opportunities. The core Christian message is unchanged but emerging churches attempt, as the church has throughout the centuries, to find ways to reach God's people where they are to hear God's message of unconditional love.
- social action "doing a “180” is putting others before yourself and also a willingness to be counter cultural."-© ginkworld.net 180